Sunshine, Peppermint, Chocolate mint, Basil (except sweet, thai & holy), Sawtooth coriander, Thymes, Sage, Tongue-of-fire bean
... ...
KIMI, the cat. With RUMMI, the gardener, ace-cat under this roof, and author of the blog.
Aug 31, 2008
Bunny & tortise race - Cucumbers & tomato plants
Here's my cucumbers (Richmond green & Crystal apple; from YATES) and heirloom tomato (Costoluto genevese; from SWALLOWTAIL) plants.
Both trying to be the tortoise in the fruiting race!!
3 costoluto genevese tomatoes, under-sized and unripe, had been hanging there for a whole month, neither growing further nor 'fading' off.
Both cucumber has been throwing out displays of yellow male flowers. The females flowers with baby-cucumber attached only started to appear this week.
For the time being, i continue to water and fertilise them impatiently; while buying commercial cucumber and tomatoes off NTUCs to fix the cravings.

Cuucmbers being left pot on the floor; tomato being right pot on the floor.
Both trying to be the tortoise in the fruiting race!!
3 costoluto genevese tomatoes, under-sized and unripe, had been hanging there for a whole month, neither growing further nor 'fading' off.
Both cucumber has been throwing out displays of yellow male flowers. The females flowers with baby-cucumber attached only started to appear this week.
For the time being, i continue to water and fertilise them impatiently; while buying commercial cucumber and tomatoes off NTUCs to fix the cravings.
Tell me how to cook oregano
Indian borage is an independent herb
Indian borages are such sweet companions on the little balcony. Leave them pretty much alone, and they will take care of themselves. A little caress and they give u nice sweet aroma for a long while.
Wonder if they will ever flower for me... cos its unheard of IB to flower in tropical singapore.
These kids are capable of growing into big 'bushes'. To keep them compact, i am 'restricting' them in small pots, like these.
Pak choy -harvested
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