Aug 31, 2008

Bunny & tortise race - Cucumbers & tomato plants

Here's my cucumbers (Richmond green & Crystal apple; from YATES) and heirloom tomato (Costoluto genevese; from SWALLOWTAIL) plants.

Both trying to be the tortoise in the fruiting race!!

3 costoluto genevese tomatoes, under-sized and unripe, had been hanging there for a whole month, neither growing further nor 'fading' off.

Both cucumber has been throwing out displays of yellow male flowers. The females flowers with baby-cucumber attached only started to appear this week.

For the time being, i continue to water and fertilise them impatiently; while buying commercial cucumber and tomatoes off NTUCs to fix the cravings.

Cuucmbers being left pot on the floor; tomato being right pot on the floor.

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